Business customers

Reporting violations (Whisteblowing)

Rules on submission of the whistleblowing report have been defined at Sogecap SA Branch in Poland. Thanks to them you can help us identify and combat undesirable and illegal acts, including corruption and economic crime. Each report is important because it helps prevent similar violations from occurring in the future, minimizes the size of financial losses and ensures transparency of operating rules. As a result, it helps protect the image of the Société Générale Group, supports the application of ethical standards and risk management. We hope that thanks to you, we will be able to ensure the honesty and credibility of our activities, and thus the success of our organization.

Persons authorized to submit a whistleblowing report

Whistleblower may be a natural person who reports information about a violation of the law or a violation of internal regulations or ethical standards applicable in the Société Générale Group, obtained in a work-related context, including: 1) an employee; 2) temporary employee;  3) a person providing work on a basis other than an employment relationship, including under a civil law contract; 4) entrepreneur; 5) commercial proxy; 6) shareholder or partner; 7) member of the body; 8) a person performing work under the supervision and direction of a contractor, subcontractor or supplier; 9) intern; 10) volunteer; 11) apprentice.


Internal reporting channels

Whistleblower may report via the following channels:

a) by courier to the address:

Sogecap S.A. Branch in Poland

Plac Solny 16

50-062 Wrocław, Polska

with the note: Whistleblowing. Hand-delivered to HR & Admin Manager or Director of Compliance and Personal Data Protection;

b) via e-mail to the address:, title: Whistleblowing report.

c) orally - by phone at the following numbers:

728 975 248 Director of Compliance and Personal Data Protection or 

886 530 353 HR & Admin Manager

or by electronic means by contacting one of persons listed above using Teams or Whatsapp;

d) orally during a direct meeting with persons listed above, organized within 14 days of receiving the request for this form of notification.


Confidentiality protection

Sogecap SA Branch in Poland has introduced solutions aimed at guaranteeing complete confidentiality and discretion of all reports to minimize the risk of retaliatory or repressive actions. The identity of the Whistleblower, as well as all information enabling his or her identification, is not subject to disclosure to unauthorized persons, because the safety of the person reporting the violation is our priority.


Anonymous reports

Sogecap SA Branch in Poland allows you to submit whistleblowing report both by name and anonymously. In the second case, we provide complete anonymity and protection to the person reporting a suspected violation. Although it is not obligatory, we encourage you to provide your data in the application. This will make communication safer and more efficient, and the Whistleblower will be able to track the status of the report.


Conditions of protection coverage

Whistleblower is protected from the moment of reporting, provided that they had reasonable grounds to believe that the information reported was true. Therefore, acting in good faith, the Whistleblower is not at risk of retaliation or sanctions and does not incur any consequences in terms of employment due to such reporting.

The reporting channels provided by Sogecap SA Branch in Poland cannot be used for intentional slander or consciously presenting false information. Knowingly reporting false information excludes protection among others against dismissal and exposes the reporting person to criminal liability.